viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008

Secrets Revealed

Several myths related to the existence of Stonehenge have been developed over the years. Which Myths? Well, according to the article by C. Hibbert there were tales of esoteric ceremonies, priestly incantations, human sacrifices and it was even seen as a sanctuary connected with a “sun cult”. But it was not until archaeologists Geoffrey Wainwright and Timothy Darvill excavated Stonehenge, that the secrets of the mysteries and reasons of existence of this monument have been discovered. For instance, they can accurately say now the first bluestones arrived not during 2,600 B.C, but in 2,300 B.C. And skeletons findings have facilitated a new theory to arise: Stonehenge = a healing Center. What evidence makes them believe so? People buried around Stonehenge that came from Europe.
So, when will we really find out what the Stonehenge really meant 2,300 year ago? That is something we don’t know, but we’ll wait for an official and accurate answer. After learning about the mysteries and origins of this world’s wonder, I’ve come to think that it might have been a place for all the theories that Stonehenge carries. But since there is an uncertain belief of its origins, people see it as a holy place or temple in which ancestors left their energy and power for the people to come , feel and enjoy …maybe heal, who knows? We don’t know how powerful faith can be, let us see it this way… perhaps Stonehenge as one of the recent archaeologists that dug around it said “ a prehistoric Lourdes”.

2 comentarios:

Victoria dijo...

Hi Natalia,

I really like the way you wrote your entry, because you started it presenting a whole explanation of what is 'Stonehenge' and then you tried to tell us what is happening now with the last findings of Stonehenge.
From my point of view this awesome ancient construction has lot of mysteries but not only because people want to know who built it, we also want to know what was its major function. Well, this is something hard to answer, but for do that, we have several experts that can look for more explanations through excavations as we saw in the video. Then we are able to answer through real clues.

very good job!
take care..


girl_on_scaffold dijo...

I am sorry Natalia, but I think we will never know what Stonhenge was 2.500 years ago. I guess we must believe in what we want to believe because we will never find an accurate explanation to this phenomenon. I hope you don't become so disappointed when reading this.

I really liked your entry, although you are dreaming far too much!
